Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Overdue Problems? 

I recently deleted all my other post and decided to start over blogging. What better way to start my blog is with a experience. I'm currently 3 days overdue and it's driving me insane!!! I was expecting a beautiful baby boy May 4, 2014 and it seems like he was coming but he tricked me. He may be a jokester already. I thought I was getting ready for labor soon. I was nesting, had pelvic pains, cramps and so forth but come May 4th I felt nothing. Not one pain and not one ache. I thought maybe I was going crazy. Unfortunately today makes day 3 and no baby. I've been walking and moving around and he'll come down a bit but he still don't want to come out. My mother and I always joke and say he doesn't want milk when he comes out, he gets fed well inside the womb (LOL), that's his reason for staying there.

Luckily I have a doctor appointment tomorrow but she won't induce me unless she has a reason to (She's a tough cookie). I've had a wonderful pregnancy, no complications at all. I am overall blessed for that, so I can see why she doesn't really want to induce me this week. However next week he has to bring his little butt out. I look at the empty bassinet in my room and the cute little clothes and get so excited. I just can't wait to see him in it. I know they're plenty moms going through what I'm going through right now or been through it. So far I've been keeping myself occupied but sometimes I run out of things to do.
What do/did you do to keep your mind off being overdue?

P.S. When I first started my blog I wrote a blog about my baby shower. I did have some "critics" saying I should not plan my own baby shower and it was stupid. SO FYI: I came up with my theme for my baby shower but it was given by my niece and best friend. I did not plan my own baby shower but I am a bit picky. I want what I want. That's how I am. It turned out wonderful and pics will be shown on the next blog tomorrow. Tootles ;)